Metabolism is often talked about when it comes to a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits; but do you really know what metabolism is or how well your metabolism is working? Metabolism is an internal system that runs 24/7 expending energy and burning calories (to put it in simple terms). Our metabolism converts the nutrients we eat into energy, we than use this energy to do anything from breathing to repair cells in our bodies and so on.
Everyone’s metabolism is different. Metabolism is affected by things like age, genes and activity level. Metabolisms run at different speeds. A faster metabolism allows the body to burn calories at a quicker rate where as a slow metabolism burns fewer calories and more fat will be stored in the body. This is why individuals with a faster metabolism will have an easier time losing weight.
Now I’m sure you are thinking, “How do I know if I have a fast or slow metabolism & can it be improved?” Your metabolic rate can be tested through a test called a Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) test. This is a breathing test done in a fasted state, at rest. The results of this test will tell you how many calories your body burns at rest, your metabolic rate. These results than can be used to guide a daily caloric amount for you. Metabolic rate can also be estimated by looking at your height, weight, gender and age; this is known as Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). BMR is the number of calories your body needs to function at rest, similar to RMR just not as accurate as the actual test. This can be estimated on certain scales or through online BMR calculators.
Improving your metabolism, on top of eating a diet of healthier foods and meeting exercise requirements, can help you burn extra calories throughout the day as well as lose or maintain the weight you are trying to achieve. Metabolism can be increased in a few ways:
- Add some high intensity interval training to your routine. This method of training helps you burn calories during and after your workout. (The “afterburn” your trainers always talk about!)
- Strength train. Increasing muscle mass can boost metabolism.
- Refuel with protein. It takes our body longer to break down protein and absorb it, therefore increase metabolism.
- Get a good night’s sleep regularly. Calories burn is decreased, hunger hormone, ghrelin, is increased while fullness hormone, leptin, is decreased & blood sugar levels/insulin resistance is increased.
Knowing what you now know about metabolism try to incorporate some things into your daily routine to help boost it, even if you not trying to lose weight! Talk to our Genesis trainers or a medical professional to get your metabolism rate measured and different ways to try and help you boost your metabolism!
At Genesis Personal Fitness, we offer resting and exercise metabolic rate testing. If you would like more information on this topic or to schedule a metabolic test, contact us at 215-504-0100 or genesispersonalfitness.com