Have you set your New Year's fitness resolutions yet? It is important to set goals that are attainable and not too crazy. People often go into the new year wanting to change around their whole life. It is impossible to get in shape, drink more water, cut out carbs, stop drinking all at the same time. This is why most people do not achieve their resolutions' or fall off the wagon by the end of the month! The best way to achieve your resolutions is to set realistic goals that you can attain.
Here's 3 tips to help you set your fitness resolutions this year:
1. Set SMART Goals.
- Specific: Set exactly what you want to achieve. Make it focused so it is not too large.
- Measurable: Provide a way to evaluate your progress. Such as smaller, mini-goals or tracking your progress in a log daily/weekly.
- Attainable: Is your goal possible for you to achieve? Figure out any obstacles that you may need to overcome.
- Relevant: Write down why this goal is important for you to achieve. Is is a priority focus for you?
- Time-based: Assign a target date to keep you accountable.
2. Space Out Your Goals
- Create a timeline for your goals. Do not try to change your whole life in this first few weeks on the new year, this is where things go wrong! Try one goal for the first two weeks and than add in another goal you want to work on. Get yourself into a routine with one maintainable goal before trying to add more. Concentrate on one goal at a time.
3. Track Your Progress
- The best way to stay accountable is scheduling and tracking your progress. Write down your goals. Put your workouts on your calendar. Track your food and water in a fitness app. This will help you see your successes and stay motivated or see where you are getting off track.
As we move into the new year remember to start small. Set goals that are important to YOU and that YOU can stay accountable to! Happy New Year!